Finding Love on the Right : The Best Conservative Dating Sites

DatingSiteGuides / Finding Love on the Right : The Best Conservative Dating Sites

In today’s polarized political climate, it can feel nearly impossible to find a partner who shares your conservative values and traditional beliefs. As someone who has navigated the treacherous waters of online dating for years, I know firsthand how frustrating it is to match with someone cute only to later find out they’re a bleeding-heart liberal who wants to argue about Trump on the first date. No thank you!

But don’t lose hope, my fellow conservatives, because there ARE dating sites and apps out there designed specifically for right-leaning singles like us. I’ve spent countless hours researching, testing, and comparing all the top platforms to determine which ones are actually worth your time. So without further ado, here are my picks for the best conservative dating sites.

1. eharmony

Though not exclusively a conservative dating site, eharmony regularly tops lists of the best dating apps for serious, marriage-minded singles—which tend to skew more conservative. Founded by Christian psychologist Dr. Neil Clark Warren, eharmony has always been focused on creating long-term, family-oriented relationships rather than casual hookups.

What sets eharmony apart is its extensive compatibility quiz, which uses 29 dimensions of compatibility to pair you with matches who share your values, interests, and lifestyle. You can specify your political affiliation and importance of shared politics. Eharmony also recently added an « I’m Vaccinated » badge for users to display on their profiles. So while the user base is broader here, you have tools to hone in on fellow conservatives.


  • Large user base of over 10 million active members
  • Compatibility quiz to find value-aligned matches
  • Responsible for 4% of U.S. marriages


  • Pricier than other options, with plans starting at $35.90/month
  • Lengthy sign-up process with 80-question quiz
  • Can’t search profiles on your own

2. Republican People Meet

No surprises here—Republican People Meet is a dating site « by Republicans, for Republicans. » This site doesn’t dance around the fact that its entire purpose is to help GOP supporters find love with someone who shares their political persuasion. If you’re a tried and true Republican wanting to make sure you don’t accidentally catch feelings for an Elizabeth Warren fan, Republican People Meet should be your go-to.

Setting up a profile is quick and easy, with a short bio section to describe yourself and your ideal match, as well as fields for your political views, religion, education, and more. You can search and sort through profiles on your own, or use their matchmaking service to receive compatible match suggestions. Republican People Meet is part of the People Media network, which operates over 30 other niche dating sites.


  • 100% Republican user base
  • Easy, streamlined interface
  • Free to register and browse limited profiles


  • Smaller user base compared to mainstream sites
  • Subscription required to view photos and exchange messages
  • Outdated site design

3. Conservatives Only

Another niche site, Conservatives Only promises an online dating experience free of any liberal drama. Their homepage boldly proclaims « No Liberals! » and features the tagline « Meet Conservative Singles Looking For Their Soulmate. »

Conservatives Only has a more modern, eye-catching interface compared to some of the older conservative dating sites. You can register via their website or download apps for iOS and Android. Basic functions like viewing profiles and photos are free, but you’ll need to upgrade to send messages.

One unique aspect is that all new profiles are manually verified before going live, supposedly to help weed out any liberals trying to infiltrate. They also offer a Tinder-style swiping game to quickly browse local singles. And there are live chat rooms and discussion forums to engage with the community beyond just one-on-one messaging.


  • Exclusively conservative membership base
  • Free to register and view full profiles
  • Variety of communication options including chat rooms


  • Must pay to send messages to matches
  • Reports of glitchy mobile apps
  • Some inactive or fake-seeming profiles

4. Trump Singles

As the name suggests, Trump Singles is a site devoted specifically to fans of Donald Trump. Though it has fewer members than more established conservative dating apps, Trump Singles can be a good option if you’re a hardcore MAGA supporter looking for love.

The sign-up process is fairly standard, with fields to describe yourself, your match, and your political views. Naturally, the only options for political affiliation are « Republican » or « Conservative. » There’s a Tinder-inspired matching system where you swipe left or right on singles in your area.

One selling point is that basic messaging is free for all members, so you can test the waters before committing to a paid plan. They also regularly publish dating advice articles and success stories on their blog. The biggest downside is that with a more niche audience comes a smaller dating pool, so your options may be somewhat limited depending on your location.


  • Free messaging for all members
  • Exclusively pro-Trump membership
  • Helpful dating tips on their blog


  • Smaller membership base
  • Lacks advanced search filters
  • No mobile apps available, website only

5. Patrio

Patrio, previously called « Righter, » is a newer entry into the conservative dating app space. Founder Christy Edwards Lawton, a former Tinder employee, launched Patrio in 2018 after noticing an untapped market for conservative daters, especially women.

The Patrio interface and features will feel familiar if you’ve used other swipe-based dating apps before. You create a simple profile with photos and a bio, set your match criteria, and start swiping yay or nay on singles in your area. Matches can exchange messages, photos, and voice notes.

What makes Patrio stand out are some of its conservative-specific profile options, like the ability to select your preferred pronoun from « Traditional » or « Other » and answering whether your ideal first date would involve « Guns » or « No Guns. » The app also boasts a strict vetting system to keep out any liberal trolls.


  • Easy and familiar swiping interface
  • Conservative-focused profile questions
  • Voice messaging adds a personal touch


  • Relatively small user base so far
  • Only available in the U.S.
  • Some users report technical glitches

Other Mainstream Options for Conservative Daters

If none of the above conservative-only options seem quite right for you, don’t write off mainstream dating sites and apps completely. With millions of users spanning the political spectrum, you’re still likely to find some right-leaning matches on the bigger platforms like Match, OkCupid, and Bumble.

The key is to carefully vet your matches and read through profiles for any red (or blue) flags before investing too much time chatting or scheduling dates. Most mainstream sites now let you specify your political affiliation and filter your searches accordingly.

Here’s a quick rundown of how some of the most popular mainstream dating apps fare for conservative daters:

Dating AppPolitical Affiliation OptionsConservative Friendliness
MatchLiberal, Moderate, Conservative, Other⭐⭐⭐
OkCupidPolitics questions in match survey⭐⭐⭐
BumbleLiberal, Moderate, Conservative, Apolitical⭐⭐
TinderNo political affiliation options⭐⭐

As you can see, Match and OkCupid offer the most robust options for specifying your political leanings and finding like-minded matches. They both have large user bases too, increasing your odds of finding a compatible conservative in your area. Bumble and Tinder don’t offer as much political filtering, but it’s certainly still possible to find right-leaning singles on these popular apps.

Tips for Conservative Online Dating Success

Whether you opt for an exclusively conservative dating platform or cast a wider net on a mainstream app, there are some best practices to keep in mind to improve your matches and avoid any awkward political clashes.

  1. Be upfront about your political affiliation. If conservative values are a non-negotiable for you, make that clear in your dating profile from the get-go. Use the profile options to identify as « Conservative » where available, and look for ways to weave your political views into your bio or photos.
  2. Look for political alignment clues in profiles. Beyond the obvious « Liberal » or « Conservative » label, you can often infer political leanings from what someone writes in their profile. Look for mentions of religious affiliation, military service, favorite news sources, or even subtle wardrobe cues like American flag apparel.
  3. Ask the right questions. If someone’s political views are unclear from their profile, don’t be afraid to broach the subject early on. Ask open-ended questions about their thoughts on current events, favorite politicians, or hot-button issues that matter to you. Just keep it respectful and avoid veering into heated debate territory.
  4. Decide how important politics are to you. Is dating a liberal an absolute deal-breaker, or are you open to some political differences if you align on other core values? Figure out ahead of time where you fall on this spectrum, and calibrate your match settings and screening process accordingly.
  5. Keep an open mind. Even on conservative-focused dating apps, you’ll encounter diverse perspectives and backgrounds. Someone may not agree with you 100% on every political issue—and that’s okay. Look for shared common ground and respect differences when feasible.

Red Flags to Watch Out For

No matter how promising a match seems at first, be on the lookout for these liberal red flags that could spell trouble for conservative daters.

  • ❌ Any mention of Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or « The Squad »
  • ❌ Profile pictures featuring pink pussy hats from the Women’s March
  • ❌ « Resist » or other anti-Trump slogans and hashtags
  • ❌ Excessive rainbow flags or other progressive virtue signaling
  • ❌ Negative comments about police, the military, or traditional family values

Spotting and screening for any of these liberal red flags early on can save you time and heartache in the long run. Better to weed out misaligned matches upfront rather than get attached to someone who later reveals a closet full of Che Guevara t-shirts and a « Coexist » bumper sticker on their Prius.

Success Stories from Conservative Dating Apps

Wondering if these conservative dating sites and strategies actually lead to real-life love connections? Don’t just take my word for it. Here are a few heartwarming success stories from couples who met on right-leaning apps.

« I never thought I’d meet my wife on a dating app called Trump Singles, but I’m so glad I did. When we matched, I could immediately tell from Ava’s profile that she shared my conservative values and love for our great nation. Our first date was at a shooting range and the rest is history. We got married last year and are now expecting our first child—a son we plan to name Donald! »
John, 32, Trump Singles

« As a conservative woman, I was tired of going on dates with men who just wanted to argue about politics or convert me to liberalism. When I joined Patrio, it was such a breath of fresh air to connect with people who actually share my beliefs and see the world the same way I do. I found my boyfriend David after just a few weeks on the app. For our one-year anniversary, he surprised me with tickets to CPAC. Now that’s my kind of romance! »
Jessica, 27, Patrio

« I had tried my luck on mainstream dating apps before, but always felt out of place as a proud conservative single. Joining Republican People Meet was the best decision I could have made for my love life. I finally felt understood and supported in my values. After a few promising dates, I met my now-husband Mark. We bonded over our mutual appreciation for free markets, traditional family structures, and the Second Amendment. Two years and one constitutional wedding later, we couldn’t be happier. Thanks RPM! »
Ashley, 34, Republican People Meet

These are just a few examples of the many conservative love stories that have blossomed thanks to these right-leaning dating apps. While your mileage may vary, it’s encouraging proof that there are singles out there looking for the same politically-aligned partnership you are.


Finding love is rarely easy, but it can feel especially challenging for singles who fall on the right end of the political spectrum. Fortunately, the rise of conservative-focused dating platforms has made it much simpler to connect with potential partners who share your core values.

Whether you opt for an exclusively conservative app like Republican People Meet or Conservatives Only, or choose to cast a wider but targeted net on mainstream sites, there are now more opportunities than ever for right-leaning daters to find their political match. The key is to be proactive and intentional in your dating strategy, with clear communication about your beliefs and cautious vetting to weed out any secret liberals.

Of course, no dating site can guarantee a soulmate. But by focusing your efforts on platforms that align with your values and following smart matching protocols, you’ll significantly increase your odds of finding a lasting love connection with someone who gets your conservative worldview. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start right-swiping!

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