DatingSiteGuides / SingleParentMeet

As a single mom myself, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to get back into the dating scene after becoming a parent. Not only do you have to find someone you genuinely connect with, but you also need to ensure they understand and embrace the unique responsibilities and lifestyle that come with raising children. That’s why I was intrigued when I first heard about SingleParentMeet, a dating site specifically designed for single parents looking for love and companionship.

After spending several months thoroughly testing and exploring the platform, I’m excited to share my in-depth review of SingleParentMeet. In this article, I’ll walk you through every aspect of the site, from the sign-up process and user base to the features, pricing, and overall user experience. I’ll also share my personal thoughts, insights, and recommendations based on my experiences as a single mom navigating the world of online dating.

What is SingleParentMeet?

SingleParentMeet is an online dating platform that caters exclusively to single parents and individuals who are open to dating someone with children. The site was created with the understanding that single parents often face unique challenges and concerns when it comes to finding a compatible partner, such as coordinating schedules around childcare responsibilities, introducing potential partners to their children, and finding someone who understands and embraces the demands of parenthood.

Unlike mainstream dating sites that cater to a broad audience, SingleParentMeet allows users to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar experiences and priorities. The platform aims to create a supportive and understanding community where single parents can feel comfortable and confident in their search for love and companionship.

The Sign-Up Process

One of the things I appreciated about SingleParentMeet right from the start was the straightforward and hassle-free sign-up process. Unlike many other dating sites that require you to fill out lengthy questionnaires or personality assessments, creating a profile on SingleParentMeet is a relatively quick and easy process.

To get started, you’ll need to provide some basic information, such as your gender, the gender you’re interested in dating, your location, and your date of birth. You’ll also be prompted to create a username and password for your account.

Once you’ve completed the initial sign-up process, you’ll be able to access the site and begin creating your profile. SingleParentMeet gives you the option to upload photos and provide additional details about yourself, your interests, and your preferences in a partner.

One aspect of the sign-up process that I found particularly refreshing was the ability to specify whether you’re a single parent or someone who is open to dating a single parent. This simple distinction helps ensure that everyone on the platform is on the same page from the outset, avoiding any potential misunderstandings or disappointments down the line.

The User Base

One of the most crucial factors in determining the success of any dating site is the size and quality of its user base. After all, a site can have the most impressive features and user-friendly interface, but if there aren’t enough active users in your area, your chances of finding a compatible match are significantly diminished.

In the case of SingleParentMeet, I was pleasantly surprised by the site’s user base. While it may not be as large as some of the mainstream dating giants, the platform boasts a solid and active community of single parents from across the United States and Canada.

During my time on the site, I encountered a diverse range of users, spanning various age groups, backgrounds, and parenting situations. From single moms and dads with young children to those with older, nearly-grown kids, the user base on SingleParentMeet truly reflects the diverse experiences and challenges faced by single parents.

One aspect that impressed me was the genuine sense of understanding and camaraderie among the users. Unlike some dating sites where users can be dismissive or judgmental towards single parents, the community on SingleParentMeet seemed to embrace and celebrate the unique perspectives and lifestyles of its members.

Creating Your Profile

Once you’ve completed the initial sign-up process, the next step is to create your profile. This is arguably one of the most crucial aspects of any online dating experience, as your profile is essentially your first impression and the foundation upon which potential matches will decide whether to connect with you or not.

On SingleParentMeet, the profile creation process is relatively straightforward, allowing you to provide details about yourself, your interests, and your preferences in a partner. You’ll have the option to upload multiple photos, which can be an essential factor in attracting potential matches.

One aspect of the profile creation process that I found particularly useful was the ability to specify details about your children. You can indicate how many children you have, their ages, and whether you’re open to having more children in the future. This level of transparency helps ensure that you’re connecting with individuals who share similar values and goals when it comes to family and parenting.

Additionally, SingleParentMeet allows you to describe your ideal partner and the type of relationship you’re seeking, whether it’s a casual dating experience, a long-term committed relationship, or something in between. This level of clarity can help streamline the matching process and increase your chances of finding compatible connections.

Search and Matching Features

Once your profile is complete, it’s time to start exploring the site’s search and matching features. SingleParentMeet offers a variety of tools and filters to help you find potential matches based on your preferences and criteria.

One of the most useful features is the advanced search function, which allows you to narrow down your search based on specific criteria such as age range, location, education level, and even parenting status. This level of customization can be invaluable for single parents who have specific preferences or requirements when it comes to finding a compatible partner.

In addition to the advanced search function, SingleParentMeet also offers a « Matches » section, where the site’s algorithm suggests potential matches based on your profile information and preferences. This can be a great way to discover new connections that you may have otherwise overlooked through manual searching.

Another feature that I found particularly helpful was the ability to save and organize your favorite matches. This allows you to keep track of the profiles that pique your interest and easily revisit them later, without having to search through the entire user base again.

Communication and Interaction

Of course, the ultimate goal of any dating site is to facilitate meaningful connections and interactions between users. SingleParentMeet offers several communication tools to help you connect with potential matches and get to know them better.

One of the primary communication methods on the site is messaging. Once you’ve identified a match that you’re interested in, you can initiate a conversation by sending them a message. The messaging system is user-friendly and allows for back-and-forth communication, similar to other popular messaging platforms.

In addition to messaging, SingleParentMeet also offers a « Flirt » feature, which allows you to express interest in a potential match without sending a full message. This can be a great way to test the waters and gauge whether there’s mutual interest before investing too much time and effort into a conversation.

Another unique feature that caught my attention was the site’s integration with, a popular online platform for finding childcare and babysitting services. This integration allows SingleParentMeet users to easily access and explore potential childcare options, which can be invaluable for single parents who need reliable and trustworthy care for their children while they’re out on dates or exploring new relationships.

Pricing and Membership Options

Like many online dating platforms, SingleParentMeet offers both free and paid membership options. The free membership allows you to create a profile, upload photos, and browse through other users’ profiles. However, to access the site’s full range of features and communication tools, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid membership.

The pricing structure for SingleParentMeet’s paid memberships is as follows:

Membership Duration Monthly Cost Features Included
1 Month $17.99
  • Unlimited Photo Uploads
  • Unlimited Messaging
  • See Who’s Viewed Your Profile
  • Enhanced Search Filters
  • View Detailed Profiles
3 Months $9.99/month
  • Unlimited Photo Uploads
  • Unlimited Messaging
  • See Who’s Viewed Your Profile
  • Enhanced Search Filters
  • View Detailed Profiles
6 Months $6.99/month
  • Unlimited Photo Uploads
  • Unlimited Messaging
  • See Who’s Viewed Your Profile
  • Enhanced Search Filters
  • View Detailed Profiles
  • Boost Your Profile Visibility
  • Send Virtual Gifts

As you can see, the longer the membership duration, the more cost-effective it becomes. Additionally, the 6-month membership option includes a few extra features, such as the ability to boost your profile visibility and send virtual gifts to potential matches.

In my opinion, the pricing structure for SingleParentMeet is quite reasonable, especially considering the niche nature of the platform and the unique challenges faced by single parents in the dating world. The cost is comparable to, or even slightly lower than, many mainstream dating sites, making it an accessible option for those on a budget.

Safety and Security

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should always be a top priority. SingleParentMeet takes several measures to ensure the safety and privacy of its users, which I found reassuring as a single parent.

First and foremost, the site employs a strict photo moderation policy. All profile photos are manually reviewed and approved by the SingleParentMeet team before being made visible on the platform. This helps to ensure that users are presenting accurate and appropriate representations of themselves, and reduces the risk of encountering fake or misleading profiles.

Additionally, SingleParentMeet provides users with the ability to block and report any profiles or interactions that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe. The site’s customer support team is available to assist users with any concerns or issues they may encounter, further enhancing the overall sense of security.

It’s also worth noting that SingleParentMeet does not share or sell user data to third-party entities, ensuring that your personal information remains private and secure within the platform.

Mobile App and User Experience

In today’s fast-paced world, having a mobile app can be crucial for the success of any online dating platform. SingleParentMeet understands this need and offers a user-friendly mobile app for both iOS and Android devices.

The mobile app mirrors the functionality of the desktop version, allowing you to access your profile, browse through potential matches, and communicate with other users on-the-go. The app is well-designed and easy to navigate, making it convenient for busy single parents to stay connected and active on the platform, even when they’re away from their computers.

One aspect of the user experience that I particularly appreciated was the site’s overall clean and intuitive design. The interface is uncluttered and straightforward, making it easy to find and access the various features and tools without feeling overwhelmed or lost.

SingleParentMeet also offers a robust help and support section, which includes frequently asked questions, dating safety tips, and the ability to contact customer support directly. This level of support can be invaluable, especially for those new to the world of online dating or those who may encounter challenges or concerns along the way.

Pros and Cons of SingleParentMeet

Like any dating platform, SingleParentMeet has its strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a summary of some of the key pros and cons I’ve identified based on my experiences:


  • Niche Focus: SingleParentMeet’s niche focus on single parents is a major advantage, as it allows users to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar life experiences and priorities.
  • Active User Base: Despite being a niche platform, SingleParentMeet boasts a solid and active user base, increasing the chances of finding compatible matches in your area.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The site’s clean and intuitive design makes it easy to navigate and access various features, even for those who may not be particularly tech-savvy.
  • Robust Safety Measures: SingleParentMeet’s photo moderation policy, blocking and reporting tools, and commitment to user privacy help create a safe and secure environment for online dating.
  • Integration: The integration with is a unique and valuable feature for single parents, providing easy access to childcare resources for those much-needed date nights.


  • Limited Communication for Free Users: While you can create a profile and browse matches for free, most communication features require a paid membership, which may be a barrier for some users.
  • Smaller User Base: As a niche platform, SingleParentMeet’s user base may be smaller compared to mainstream dating sites, potentially limiting the pool of potential matches in certain areas.
  • Limited Location Coverage: Currently, SingleParentMeet is only available in the United States and Canada, which may be a drawback for those living outside of these regions.
  • No Free Trial: The lack of a free trial period can make it difficult for users to fully evaluate the platform’s features and determine if it’s worth investing in a paid membership.

Is SingleParentMeet Right for You?

After thoroughly reviewing and testing SingleParentMeet, I can confidently recommend it to single parents who are looking for a dating platform that caters specifically to their unique needs and challenges. The site’s niche focus, active user base, and robust features make it a valuable resource for those seeking meaningful connections with individuals who understand and embrace the realities of parenthood.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that no dating platform is perfect, and SingleParentMeet does have its limitations. The limited communication options for free users and the relatively smaller user base compared to mainstream sites may be drawbacks for some individuals.

Ultimately, the decision to join SingleParentMeet will depend on your personal preferences, priorities, and expectations. If you’re a single parent who values the sense of community and understanding that comes with a niche platform, and you’re willing to invest in a paid membership to access the full range of features, then SingleParentMeet may be an excellent choice for you.

On the other hand, if you’re open to dating individuals without children, or if you prefer the larger user base and broader reach of mainstream dating sites, you may want to consider exploring alternative options alongside or instead of SingleParentMeet.

Tips for Success on SingleParentMeet

To help you make the most of your SingleParentMeet experience, here are a few tips and best practices that I’ve gathered throughout my time on the platform:

Create a Detailed and Engaging Profile: Your profile is your first impression on SingleParentMeet, so it’s essential to take the time to create a thoughtful and engaging representation of yourself. Include plenty of details about your interests, values, and what you’re looking for in a partner. Be sure to include clear and accurate photos that accurately represent your current appearance.

Be Upfront About Your Parenting Situation: One of the benefits of using a niche platform like SingleParentMeet is the ability to be open and transparent about your status as a single parent from the outset. Don’t be afraid to share details about your children, such as their ages and your custody arrangements, as this can help attract individuals who are genuinely interested.

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